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Allergy Alert

To keep students safe, we must all take care.

We have 9 students at our school that have Life Threatening Allergies to tree nuts, peanuts, seeds, wheat, milk, eggs, and many other food items.  Strict avoidance of the allergens is the ONLY was to prevent a life threatening allergic reaction. 

In the Classroom

Please remember that ALL our classrooms are NUT FREE regardless of whether there is a student in that classroom/grade with a nut allergy. This includes products which state "may contain traces of" nuts/peanuts/tree nuts or "manufactured in a facility which processes" nuts/peanuts/tree nuts. Due to the oily nature of peanut and nut products, it is especially challenging to prevent contamination of surfaces in the classroom, cafeteria, bathrooms and other areas in the building. 

In the Cafeteria

As an added safety measure, in the cafeteria students will be asked to sit at a designated table if their lunch contains any peanut/nut products. After eating, they will be given a moist towelette to remove any food particles from their face and hands before leaving the cafeteria. 

Precautions for Peanut Butter Alternatives

There are many new products available as peanut butter alternatives. We ask you to make sure the ingredients in these products are safe for our classrooms and for our students with life threatening allergies. For example,  Sun Butter products, which are made with sunflower seeds, cause a concern for our students with allergies to them. The product contains no nuts, but still may not be appropriate for your child's classroom. If your child brings in a peanut butter alternative for snack or lunch, you must label the outside of the bag to make our staff aware of the contents. If it looks like peanut butter, we must treat it as peanut butter.  If you have any questions about ingredients, please call the Health Office and we can assist you.

Click HERE to read further details of the
Johnson School Life Threatening Allergy guidelines.



Click HERE to read the Nahant Public Schools- Life Threatening Allergy Planning Guidelines

Video to Teach Non-Food Allergic Families about Food Allergies
This 6 minute slideshow with audio is created to increase food allergy awareness in all parents in the school community. It highlights basic facts about food allergies and the constant need for prevention and preparedness. The presentation is designed to help foster an understanding and supportive community.

The awareness module for parents has options at completion, to learn more about prevention, preparedness, label reading, and how to give an EpiPen (you can get to these on the home page as well).

The main site's link is It is a great site to learn more about allergies, asthma, eczema and other conditions.

By Web Master

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Johnson School


NAHANT, MA 01908

(781) 581-0440
The Nahant Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, limited English proficiency, sexual identity, disability or housing status. Complaints should be addressed to : Title 9 Coordinator, Mary Diguardia - Johnson Elementary School 781-581-1600 x296
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